Also this year there will be free Christmas yoga with me on Christmas Eve. Since 2020, this has been my gift to my loyal students, who have been carrying me through it since the beginning of the pandemic.
It will be a "colorful bouquet" (as one of my students always says), i.e. a dynamic and flowing one Yoga practice in which we do not focus on specific body regions, but rather stretch and strengthen the whole body evenly. Afterwards it goes to the well-deserved Christmas vacation . From December 24th, 2021 to January 3rd, 2022 I will take a little break and let the year end calmly. We will then start the New Year in Zodiac Sign Capricorn. An earthy practice that focuses on the legs awaits us.
Christmas yoga will take place on December 24th, 2021 from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. As always, the link will be emailed 30 minutes before the class. If you are interested, please contact