Attitude & Intention
The overarching goal of all my work is to help people relax more. Teaching with joy and fun is very important to me; it can be humorous. My intention is to approach my students openly and to support them in their process with patience and compassion.
In my understanding, yoga is primarily about learning to explore our bodies, accept them and treat them carefully. Yoga also offers us the opportunity to free ourselves from habitual, unhealthy movement patterns and thought structures. My yoga classes are very “physical” (and not very esoteric), i.e. the alignment principles of Anusara Yoga are taught in a reduced, clear language.
Freediving takes us to our limits. We rediscover them, expand them, leave our own comfort zone and overcome mental hurdles in the process. My greatest concern is to create a safe space for my students in which they can be themselves and share their experiences and feelings. For me, dealing sensitively with your challenges and fears is the foundation of my work as a freediving instructor.
Listening is an art. In my coaching sessions, I always strive to have conversations at eye level. For me, it's about a calm atmosphere in which creative solutions are developed together that are easy to integrate into everyday life and are therefore sustainable.

Training at a glance
2009: four-week intensive training to become a Sivananda Yoga teacher with Swami Atmaramananda in Poland
2012 to 2014: Anusara Yoga training (200h) with Vilas and Lalla Turske and Christina Lobe in Berlin
2019 to 2021: Yin Yoga training with Katrin Knauth and Wolfgang Riedl in Berlin and online
2023: Training in Yoga Nidra at the AHAB Academy in Berlin
Sivananda & Satyananda Yoga
In 2004, while I was studying architecture at the Technical University of Berlin, I took part in the first yoga course offered by university sports. In the following years I practiced mainly in the Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Center Berlin. On a longer trip through New Zealand after my diploma, I spent a month at the Anahata Retreat (Satyananda Yoga) and wanted to become a yoga teacher from there. At the end of 2009 I completed my first yoga teacher training with Swami Atmaramananda in Poland and have been teaching in various studios ever since. From 2011 to 2015 I also led yoga seminars for children and young people in the seminar houses in Bad Meinberg and on the North Sea, where I used the physical yoga classes to promote the creative expression of the children and young people.
Anusara & Iyengar Yoga
In search of a new style of yoga, I got to know YogaRaumBerlin in 2011 and became a close student of Alexander Kröker. I completed my Anusara Yoga Immersion in 2012 at Vilas and Lalla Turske. In the same year I also spent some time in New York, learning with Elena Brower. During my three-month trips through India in early 2013 and 2015, I intensified my Iyengar yoga practice with various teachers in Gokarna and Rishikesh. For several years now I have been attending yoga classes regularly in the Berlin studio yogatribe, in autumn 2014 I was allowed to Tina Lobe my Anusara Yoga Enjoy Teacher Training.
Yin Yoga
Not enough of the training, I completed my Yin Yoga advanced training in April 2021 with Katrin Knauth and Wolfgang Riedl (my basic training took place with Katrin in 2019).
Yoga Nidra
I got to know and love Yoga Nidra in New Zealand in 2009 at the Anahata yoga retreat. After several years, In 2023 after several years i decided to take on a compact further training course, which I really enjoyed. I currently use Yoga Nidra primarily as a relaxation exercise at the end of my breathing courses and Yin Yoga classes.

Training at a glance
2021 and 2022: AIDA courses 1-4
2021: AIDA Judge course
2022: Training to become an AIDA pool instructor at Freedive 'N' Egypt
2024: Training to become an AIDA Open Water instructor at Freedive 'N' Egypt
since 2024: Collaboration with Dahab Freedivers
My new great passion besides yoga is freediving. In November 2020 I went to Egypt for the first time, more precisely to Dahab in the Sinai. During an eight-month stay I switched from scuba diving to freediving and completed my AIDA 1 to 4 courses in a relatively short time. Further stays of several months in Dahab, the freediving mecca, in 2022, 2023 and 2024 gave me the opportunity to dive deeper into the essence of freediving. I have been a pool instructor since May 2022, and in spring 2024 I was also able to complete the open water part of the training.

Further training at a glance
2022: Mental Coach training at AHAB Academy
2023: Breath Coach training at AHAB Academy
2023: Training for Mental Health First Aid at the KIP gGmbH
2023: Training as a stress management trainer at AHAB Academy
I have been continuously training myself in my coaching activities for some time now. I gained my first comparable experiences as a yoga teacher in individual lessons, in which, among other things, the discussion portion is more extensive than in group lessons, an analysis of the current situation is carried out and concrete goals are set. I completed my training at the AHAB Academy in Berlin as a mental and breathing coach, as a mental health first aid helper at KIP gGmbH and as a stress management trainer.
Other Inspiration
Various methods of body work have always accompanied me and helped me to personal growth, for example Grinberg and the Feldenkrais method. Massages of any kind and osteopathic treatments are also another tool for me to reflect, relax and let go.