Stress? Free? Life!
In Relax Coaching we focus on the topic of STRESS. We differentiate between positive and negative stress. In general, stress is understood as an “individual physical and mental reaction to certain external stimuli”, whereby it serves to adapt to changing situations and stressors. The feeling of stress is entirely individual, i.e. both the causes and characteristics of stress can appear very differently and are usually diverse. In Relax Coaching, our task is to shed light on various aspects of the phenomenon of stress. In a first step, stressful situations are analyzed and recorded in writing using a stress diary. Among other things, stressors are identified and reactions of the body and mind are visualized. The second step is about concrete strategies for dealing with stress. For this purpose, various tools from yoga, mental and breath coaching, if necessary. also learned from freediving, practiced and repeated.
PDF "stress notes" (stress diary) for printing.
Individual sessions live in summer in Berlin and in autumn and winter in Dahab and online via zoom.
Live sessions (60/90/120 min.): Prices on request
Online sessions (60 min.): Prices on request
M +4917621967547
E nina@ninaraem.de